Monday, March 31, 2008

What are your preferences for parking?

At one of the early meetings, I remember that we were offered the option of indoor attached and possibly heated parking. The reaction of that group was to say that, overall, building a relationship with the people in the neighborhood was important, since we don't want to be primarily idenitfied as gentrifiers. An indoor parking garage would inhibit this mission.

I think the two other things to consider are safety (of self and property) and cost.

Are there thoughts about these issues or about others that I didn't think of?



jeffwelsh said...

More clarification:
The immediate community that we need to engage with consists of three contiguous east/west blocks just one block south of us. To the east and west of us are industrial buildings and to the north and directly adjacent to us is an elevated railroad branch line (seldom used, no noise). You can goolge the site at 4100 West Filmore to get a better perspective.
I'm not saying we don't have to be sensitive to the neighbors but there are a number of us in the core group that are intentional about reaching out to this community that whether we park inside or out should not be an issue. Cost is the real issue. the parking lot is free (included in the base sales prices), heated indoor parking is not. Just to tease ya'll, if we were to buy the adjacent warehouse building (roof top garden is on this roof) for parking, there is more than enough room for a basketball court in the space.
Princess. Now need a post for recreation.

Joshua said...

there will of course be plenty of inconveniences wherever one lives. however, having two toddlers in the chicago rain and snow, indoor parking has (felt) essential to us. We are usually single parenting. to have to trek babies/toddlers out and have them wait in the snow for a car to be cleared is difficult. it could be a both/and option where the spots are rented/owned by those desiring them with free parking outside for those who dont mind, dont want to pay, or if families have second cars.