Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What is the purpose of the production studio and what kind of a studio will that be?

What is the purpose of the production studio and what kind of a studio will that be?

Question sent in by Kristen referencing this post, describing the facilities.

This is an area where I know nothing. Someone else?


jeffwelsh said...

I think that was one of Arloa's ideas. She will probably elaborate. I have no experience in this but who would use it? I think Josiah 501c3 would have to manage it. How much $ to build it out? Does Josiah rent it out to outside artists (Christian or otherwise)? So, this is how these things get started and blogging sure will help define whether this is desirable or not.

Arloa Sutter said...

I threw in the idea for the production studio cuz I thought we will want to do some podcasts and videos to reach a wider audience with discussions about theology, justice, reconciliation and urban life. It could also be used by musicians who want to record so we could incubate new ideas and artists. If we just dedicate the space and insolate it for sound, we can pool our equipment and use it as a community. Regarding cost, I have found that when God is in something, what we need just kind of shows up. It's an adventure!

jeffwelsh said...

By the way everyone, we are going to do a number of documentary's on this entire journey so I have put together a film crew and we are filming the meetings to date and every meaningful event ongoing. So far I see:
1) General overview of the entire journey, 2) Josiah 501c3 social mission (strong christian message), 3) cohousing (really more intentional community)(the people story) 4) green (were going to build this "over the top" green)(yes, christians can be green), oh and 5) construction (how it's made). Dave C., you might have input here but I alrady have a director/producer hired locally.