Monday, March 10, 2008

What characteristics will definitely be a part of the Josiah Community?

The following have been listed by planners as important:

kid friendly
a good investment
pets accepted
educational opportunities for kids
intentional involvement with the outside community
respect for personal choices about balance between privacy and community
respect for different paths found while following Christ
garden space
not over-run with too many groups
intentional diversity

1 comment:

jeffwelsh said...

I want kids in this place! Although I am in my "twilight" years, I want the laughter and noise of kids. I want to be invested in their lives, to be a contribution. I want them to thrive in an inner-city urban context. I want to create an environment in which their friends are envious of how much fun and excitement they live in. I want them to grow up in such a rich environment that they bust forth on the world like a whirlwind, changing lives wherever they go. I believe that is the value of cohousing, christian cohousing!